Do I need to have my oligos purified?
This depends on the complexity (length, base composition, modifications) of your requested molecule, as well as on the application desired. Failure sequences may be generated both during and post-synthesis. Due to the nature of synthesis chemistry (coupling efficiency < 100%) and/or post-synthetic modification procedures, there will remain failure sequences (n-x), free modifiers and non-labeled product in the "crude" unpurified product.
We strongly recommend that all modified oligos and oligos longer than 80 nucleotides are subjected to High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) purification, no matter which kind of downstream application is envisaged.
For "critical" applications like gene synthesis, subcloning, mutagenesis and alike, HPLC purification should be considered for oligos > 45 nucleotides.
HPLC purification is standard (no additional charge) for all our dual-labeled probes and/or multi-labeled oligos, as well as for all our RNA and large scale oligos.