Photocleavable-Amino-Modifier (PC-Amino-Modifier, Figure 1) is a modification that consists of a UV-cleavable primary amino group. A 6-carbon spacer arm separates the amino group from the oligonucleotide, thereby reducing steric interactions between the amino-moiety and the oligo itself. The amino group allows the conjugation of the oligonucleotide with a variety of different moieties, like fluorescent dyes, quenchers, haptens, surfaces, etc. By UV-light exposure, these moieties can be cleaved away, thus leaving the oligonucleotide with a phosphate group, in place of the PC-Amino-Modifier.
Figure 1. Structure of the PC-Amino-Modifier (R = sequence).
metabion offers PC-Amino-Modifier as a modification in its standard DNA portfolio: